Is It Safe To Dye My Hair During Pregnancy

Hair coloring is not recognized as harm during pregnancy. The chemicals in hair dyes that you apply at home are not highly toxic. Most research shows its safe to color your hair while pregnant. Some of the chemicals in hair dye can be absorbed through the skin via the scalp, but there’s a little risk, when you choose to do highlighting, which involve less direct contact with the scalp. Temporary dyes that you apply at home are less toxic than those permanent ones, but you need to make sure that you wear gloves and use them in a well-ventilated area to avoid breathing in fumes.

While using, the dye may come in contact with the scalp or forehead resulting in itchy skin. Experts recommend staying safe with hair dyes. Study suggests your skin becomes more sensitive during pregnancy, thus the dye can make it more itchy.

How to dye your hair safely?

Many women wait to dye their hair even after the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, when the risk of chemical substances harming the baby is much lower. If you’re colouring your hair by yourself, you can reduce the risk further by following the tips:

Wait until you reach the second trimester:

In the initial 12 weeks of pregnancy, your baby is in a vulnerable stage, and experts advise against using any harmful chemicals. Although there are no studies to show a relation between the hair dye and fetal risks, it is safe to avoid them in the first 12 weeks.

Opt for alternative hair services:

Choose alternative treatments that are gentle on your hair and avoid the use of chemicals. Go with highlights, lowlights, streaking, and frosting where the color is only applied to the hair shaft.

Choose safer colors:

Ask your hair stylist to use dyes that are ammonia-free or bleach-free. If you want to do it yourself, go for semi-permanent colors as they do not contain bleach or ammonia, and limit your exposure to toxins and chemicals.

Keep the work-area ventilated:

If you are at a salon, sit at a well-ventilated space. If you are at home, make sure you color your hair in an open area where you can breathe fresh air, and not the toxic gases.

Wear gloves:

If you are dying it by yourself, it is safe not to touch the chemicals that are present in the dye. Wear gloves as there are chances to minimize skin exposure to chemicals. After you are done dying hair, wash your scalp and hands thoroughly.

Do a strand test:

Sometimes, hormonal changes may make your skin sensitive to the hair dye. Therefore, before applying it on the entire hair, do a test by applying some strands. Wait for 24 hours and check if there is any reaction on your skin parts. If you experience itchiness, red skin, pain or swelling, wash it off and do not use the dye again.

Precautions to take while using hair dyes

Here are some measures you can take to minimize the chance of side effects while coloring your hair.

Follow all the instructions given in the manual.

Always conduct a strand test before applying.

Make sure not to bring the dye in contact with your eyes and skin.

Buy trusted brands as cheaper dyes might harm your hair and skin as well.

Do not eat or drink while applying dye to your hair to avoid the risk of ingesting the color.

Use good quality shampoos and conditioners when washing your hair.

Rinse your scalp thoroughly to avoid the absorbance of the dye.

If you use branded hair dye that is free of harmful chemicals, do the patch test, and follow the instructions, you do not have to worry about side effects. Even after using good hair dye, if you have itchy skin, swelling, rashes, severe itchiness on the scalp, or dizziness, go to doctors.

During pregnancy, it is important to feel happy inside out. And if coloring your hair makes you happy, then do it by all means. But follow all the safety precautions, make sure you have access to fresh air, and do not overdo it. Avoid the use of dye three to four times through the pregnancy.