Pregnancy is a precious moment in life. Her diet plays a vital role in the baby’s health. We understand your situation. You might crave testy dishes in the world, but you need to control your taste buds for a few months, and you should be more careful about your meal. This will be beneficial for your little one.
Pregnancy is that moment when everyone is more careful about the mother, mainly when it comes to diet. The food consumed by the mom can impact the baby’s health.
Here are foods to avoid during pregnancy.
Fish and Seafood
Big fish have a high level of mercury, which is dangerous to babies or young kids. It can harm the brain and the nervous system. Pregnant moms should strictly avoid large fish like tuna, shark, swordfish, walleye, marlin, etc.
Canned tuna has a low level of mercury than the other tuna but can have in the limit.
Fish content Omega 3 fatty acids. If you cannot do without it, you can go for clean, freshwater ones containing less mercury like salmon, tilapia, shrimp, etc. also, undercooked dishes like sushi should be avoided.
Unpasteurized Milk and its Products
Milk should be boiled before drinking as it kills germs and controls disease-causing microbes, which can be harmful to the baby’s growth. Milk is essential, but it should be pasteurized.
Papaya is said to promote abortion; hence it is proved very harmful to have during pregnancy. Raw and unripe papaya has a substance called latex, which induces uterine contractions. Papain and pepsin contents in papaya slow fetal growth. It is suggested by the nutritionists and specialists to avoid unripe papaya during pregnancy strictly.
Pineapple includes bromelain compound, which can induce damping of the cervix, leading to unsuccessful labor to miscarriage. It is assumed that pineapple can get your body warmed up fast, causing abortion or premature birth. Still, having small amounts is safe during pregnancy.
Refined Flour Products
Avoid things made up of refined flour such as pita, cookies, pizza, bread, noodles, pasta, etc. Also, avoid packaged and ready-made food such as sauces, chutneys, and pickles as they have chemicals to increase their usability, which can damage the growing baby.
Pregnant moms should avoid grapes, especially amid the last phases of birth, as they also are found to increase your body temperature prompting unwanted complexities.
Pregnant moms should avoid grapes, especially amid the last phases of birth, as they also are found to increase your body temperature prompting unwanted complexities.
Eggplant or brinjal is a traditional food eaten in nearly all Indian households. It is believed to be essential in treating amenorrhea and premenstrual disorder.
Therefore, on this hypothesis, it is advisable not to have brinjal amid pregnancy. Yet, having them in little parts once in a while is safe.
Sesame Seeds
Dry sesame seeds were earlier used for abortion. It is suggested to avoid it during the first three to four critical months of pregnancy. Whereas dry nuts such as raisins, walnut, almonds, groundnut, etc. are safe to have in moderation.
Ajinomoto is used broadly in street food and is now widely used as an ingredient in homes too. It is mainly utilized in Chinese food preparation, a preferred cuisine of India’s people, but it is harmful.
Ajinomoto can impact the growth of the brain in the fetus. Hence, it is advised to avoid it.
It’s advised to altogether avoid drinking alcohol when pregnant, as it increases the risk of miscarriage. Even a small portion can negatively affect your baby’s brain development.
Consuming alcohol during pregnancy can also induce fetal alcohol syndrome, affecting facial deformities, heart defects, and intellectual disability.
Since no alcohol level has been confirmed to be safe during pregnancy, it’s advised to avoid it altogether.
Raw sprouts
Your healthy salad choice may not be free from rogue ingredients, either. Raw sprouts, including alfalfa, clover, radish, and mung bean sprouts, may be infected with Salmonella.
The humid environment needed seeds to start sprouting is perfect for these bacteria, and they’re impossible to wash off.
For this reason, you’re recommended to avoid raw sprouts. Yet, sprouts are safe to have after they have been boiled.
It’s secure for pregnant ladies to have up to 200 milligrams of caffeine per day, or around one daily 355 ml of coffee.
More than that may raise the risk of miscarriage, though the current evidence is inconclusive. But because caffeine can fill the placental barrier, most doctors suggest sticking firmly with the 200-milligram limit.
Raw or Soft Boiled Eggs
Eggs can be nearly compelling when they’re cooked correctly. Many of us like to eat soft, boiled, or undercooked eggs. But, during pregnancy, they should be avoided as they may be infected with Salmonella, a bacterium that provokes diarrhea and vomiting.
You need to avoid other foods and desserts created from raw eggs, like custards and mousse.
The better way to eat an egg during pregnancy is by boiling it until the yolk is firm. Otherwise, go for eggless salad dressings, mayonnaise, and other items that have an egg-less option. You can also use pasteurized eggs to skip the risk of getting diseases.
Raw or Rare Meat
A non-vegetarian mom requires including meat in the diet, but you should be careful. Research indicates that raw meat has Listeria bacteria and must be skipped during pregnancy.
There may also be some other parasites in raw meat like Toxoplasma gondii, which can induce vomiting, fetal harms, and miscarriages in expecting ladies.
Make sure that whenever you consume meat, it is correctly cooked. It is also suggested that you should cook your meat at home with the use of a thermometer. Wash the meat correctly with salt and water to ensure all the bacteria have been cleared.