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Pregnancy Diet & Exercise

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Is it safe to have non-veg during pregnancy?

Is It Safe To Have Non-Veg During Pregnancy?

Is it safe to have non-veg during pregnancy? There are many advantages to consuming a non-veg diet during pregnancy. The non-vegetarian meal is a rich source of proteins, vitamins, and minerals. It also has a way of iron that gets

Is Drinking Wine During Pregnancy Safe?

Is Drinking Wine During Pregnancy Safe?

A popular area of interest during pregnancy is over what you can eat and drink while pregnant. It can be challenging to adjust to pregnancy and change without your favorite food or drink, so clearly, you need to find out

Exercise During Pregnancy

How Much Exercise Is Safe During Pregnancy

Exercising during pregnancy is completely safe for you and your baby. During your prenatal care checkup, consult your doctor about what types of exercises are safe for you to do according to your condition. If you have specific health conditions

Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

How Can I Ease My Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

How Can I Ease Morning Sickness during pregnancy? Through early pregnancy, nausea, sometimes called by the misnomer “morning sickness,” is very common and normal. More than 50% of women experience nausea or vomiting during their pregnancy. Also, in many cases

Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a precious moment in life. Her diet plays a vital role in the baby’s health. We understand your situation. You might crave testy dishes in the world, but you need to control your taste buds for a few

Exercises to Avoid During Pregnancy

Exercises to Avoid During Pregnancy

Exercise during pregnancy is hugely known as being both a safe and beneficial exercise for mother and fetus. So while all ladies should be inspired to engage in physical activity, no studies have yet recognized “how much is too much”

Why Am I Having Weird Dreams While Pregnant

If you are pregnant, it’s essential to be aware of the possible changes. You may already understand your body is going to go through some physical changes. These changes, connected with changes in hormone levels, comfort levels, and sleep patterns,

Can I eat spicy food while pregnant

You can eat spicy food. There’s no medical cause that a pregnant woman can’t eat spicy food. It’s entirely safe for baby, but it can make you feel a little uncomfortable in the digestive area, mainly if you don’t eat

The Best Exercises for Pregnant Women

During pregnancy, exercise works great for you and your baby. Here are the best and most secure ways to break a sweat while you’re expecting. Working out while you’re pregnant gives a lot of advantages for you and your baby.

Can I Drink Coffee While Pregnant

If you’re someone who needs at least a cup of coffee or two to power you throughout the day, you may be dreading the idea of giving it up now because you’re pregnant. Here’s will see whether any caffeine or