The Best Exercises for Pregnant Women

During pregnancy, exercise works great for you and your baby. Here are the best and most secure ways to break a sweat while you’re expecting.

Working out while you’re pregnant gives a lot of advantages for you and your baby. You’ll get a boost in mood, a reduction in many pregnancy symptoms, and faster postpartum healing. And your baby will have a fitter heart, lower BMI, and a boost in brain health.

Simple Pregnancy Exercises

Keep Moving

It’s essential to keep moving when you are expecting: Pregnant women who exercise get less back pain, more strength, better body shape and, post-delivery, a faster return to their pre-pregnancy form.

Being healthy doesn’t have to involve a big-time commitment or fancy equipment. The following exercise is simple: it can be done at home and is safe to do in every trimester.

Be sure to make the movements in the order shown and, for best results, do the exercise every other day. Regularly check with your doctor before starting this or any exercise program.


Stand equal to the back of a stable chair with the hand nearest to the chair holding on it, feet parallel and hip-distance aside.

With your toes and knees turned out to 45 degrees, pull your stomach button up and in. Bend your knees, dropping your torso as low as feasible while maintaining your back straight. Straighten your legs to return to the first position. Repeat for reps.

Side-Lying Inner and Outer Thigh

Rest on your right side, head supported by your forearm, right leg inclined at a 45-degree angle, and left leg straight. Place your other arm on the floor for balance. Lift left leg to around hip height and repeat for reps.

Switch sides and repeat for reps.


Lie on your hands and knees, wrists right below your shoulders. Uplift your knees and straighten your legs behind you till your body forms a vertical line. Do not bend your back or let your stomach sag.

Hold for 1 to 2 breaths, going up to 5 breaths.

Curl and Lift

Relax on the edge of a stable chair with your back straight, feet on the floor, arms at your sides. Hold a 2 to 3 kg weight in every hand, palms

facing your body. Turn your elbows so that your arms form a 90-degree angle.

Then, holding your elbows bent, lift the weights to arm height. Move your arms to your sides, then straighten to return to the beginning position. Repeat for reps.


Proper Pilates plan concentrates mainly on strengthening your core and stretching your muscles with low- to no-impact, which will improve ease backaches and enhance your posture as well as your flexibility. Look for a class tailored especially to pregnant women or let your teacher know you’re expecting to dodge moves that overstretch or otherwise aren’t fit with pregnancy.

One-Arm Row

Using a stable chair, put your right knee on the chair, left leg on the floor. Lean forward, back should be parallel to the ground, and place your right hand on the chair. Hold a 2 to 3 kg weight in your left hand, arm stretched down and in strat line with your shoulder, palm facing in.

Turn your left elbow up so that your arm should form a 90-degree angle. Hold, then get back to the beginning position. Repeat for reps, then switch sides.


Squats increase all the muscle strength in your lower body, including the quads, glutes.

Place your back against a chair and stand in front of it. Start with feet bit wider than hip-width aside. Use the chair as a guide to ensure proper placement. Squat down like you’re about to sit on the chair, and come back up just as your legs start to touch it.

Always Make sure you take 5 seconds to go down 3 seconds to come back. Exhale as you squat; inhale as you stand.

Relaxed Belly Breathing

This deep breathing activity works like a meditative exercise as you get along with the small one relaxing in your belly. Reducing or thinking the way you breathe can assure necessary oxygen supply and nutrients to the baby, help you to stay calm, and relax between contractions. Doing this every day will be very helpful.

Cat cow pose

The perfect yoga pose is one of many pregnant women’s favorites, and it has many benefits. From improved mobility, strengthening the lower back and abdomen, daily practice of the cat-cow pose can also help the body to adapt a convenient and ideal birth position continuously. Plus, it can be performed anywhere- be it the bed or the floor.


Kegels recommended to all age women, but it also helps pregnant women. If you are in the 2nd trimester, you can try this exercise, which includes squeezing and relaxing the muscles around your genitals. It improves pelvic health and also benefits you during labor and delivery. This gradually prepares you for the delivery period.

Doing up to 4 sets of Kegels per day can also prevent fecal incontinence, which can be ordinarily experienced during pregnancy.


Swimming and water aerobics may be a great pregnancy workout. In the water, you weigh lighter than usual. A dip in the pool will help reduce nausea, sciatic pain, and puffy ankles. It’s also gentle on your loosening joints and ligaments (your body’s normal reaction to pregnancy hormones) because baby is swimming alongside you.


There’s no more comfortable exercise to go into your busy schedule than walking throughout pregnancy, and it’s an exercise you can continue until your delivery date. For this, you don’t even need any equipment or a gym membership to participate. You need good sneakers.

Ellipticals and stair climbers

Ellipticals and stair climbers are safe bets during pregnancy. Change speed, incline, and tension to a level that’s suitable for you. Always Keep in mind that as your baby grows, you may have a more difficult time with resistance and need to give closer attention to where you walk to avoid stumbles.