Can I Drink Coffee While Pregnant

If you’re someone who needs at least a cup of coffee or two to power you throughout the day, you may be dreading the idea of giving it up now because you’re pregnant.

Here’s will see whether any caffeine or coffee is harmless during pregnancy, and if so, then how much.

Can pregnant ladies drink coffee?

Yes, pregnant ladies can drink coffee if they need to in balance. The good news is that you are you don’t need to stop caffeine addiction entirely once you’re expecting a baby.

While in the past, pregnant ladies were told to avoid coffee and other kinds of caffeine entirely, newer, latest research has discovered that moderate amounts are safe, as long as you take precautions.

How much caffeine is safe during pregnancy?

Latest guidelines from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and other specialists say that it’s secure for pregnant ladies to have up to 200 milligrams of caffeine per day, or around one daily 355 ml of coffee.

More than that may raise the risk of miscarriage, though the current evidence is inconclusive. But because caffeine can fill the placental barrier, most doctors suggest sticking firmly with the 200-milligram limit.

If you don’t drink coffee — but you prefer a morning cup of tea? The amount of caffeine per cup will vary from substance to substance, but here are some standard guidelines:

  • 237 ml of brewed drip coffee: 137 mg
  • 237 ml of brewed tea: 48 mg
  • 237 ml of an energy drink: 100 mg

Remember that caffeine is found in chocolate and soda also. And while it’s not required to give up caffeine entirely while you’re pregnant, you’ll want to be careful of how much you’re having and err on the side of being more conservative.

Which foods and beverages contain caffeine?

Coffee is one, of way. The quantity of caffeine in a portion of coffee generally ranges, according to the type of bean, the way it’s roasted, the way of it’s brewed – and, clearly, on the size of the coffee cup.

To control your caffeine consumption, you’ll need to have information about other sources, like tea, energy drinks, chocolate, soft drinks, and coffee ice cream.

Caffeine also presents in herbal products and medicines, including some headache, cold, and allergy remedies. Read the labels thoroughly.

Amount of caffeine in common foods and beverages


  • Coffee, the generic brewed amount of coffee 8 oz content 95-200 mg of caffeine.
  • Coffee, Starbucks brewed amount of coffee 12 oz content 240 mg of caffeine.
  • Coffee, Dunkin’ Donuts brewed amount of coffee 16 oz content 211 mg of caffeine.
  • Caffé latte, misto, or cappuccino, Starbucks quantity of coffee 16 oz content 150 mg of caffeine.
  • Caffé latte, misto, or cappuccino, Starbucks quantity of coffee 12 oz content 75 mg of caffeine.
  • Espresso, Starbucks quantity of coffee 1 oz content (1 shot) 75 mg of caffeine.
  • Espresso, generic amount of coffee 1 oz (1 shot) content 64 mg of caffeine.
  • Coffee, instant generic amount of coffee 1 tsp granules content 31 mg of caffeine.
  • Coffee, generic decaffeinated amount of coffee 8 oz content 2 mg of caffeine.


  • Black tea, the quantity of tea brewed 8 oz content 47 mg of caffeine
  • Green tea, the amount of tea brewed 8 oz content 25 mg of caffeine
  • Black tea, the amount of tea decaffeinated 8 oz content 2 mg of caffeine
  • Starbucks Tazo Chai Tea quantity of tea latte 16 oz content 95 mg of caffeine
  • Instant tea, the unsweetened quantity of tea 1 tsp powder content 26 mg of caffeine
  • Snapple quantity of tea 16 oz content 42 mg of caffeine
  • Lipton Brisk iced tea quantity of tea 12 oz content 5 mg of caffeine

Soft drinksAmountCaffeine

  • Coke, the quantity of soft drink 12 oz content 35 mg of caffeine.
  • Diet Coke Quantity of soft drink 12 oz content 47 mg of caffeine.
  • Pepsi Quantity of soft drink 12 oz content 38 mg of caffeine.
  • Diet Pepsi Quantity of soft drink 12 oz content 36 mg of caffeine.
  • Jolt Cola Quantity of soft drink 12 oz content 72 mg of caffeine.
  • Mountain Dew Quantity of soft drink 12 oz content 54 mg of caffeine.
  • 7-Up quantity of soft drink 12 oz content 0 mg of caffeine.
  • Sierra Mist Amount of soft drink 12 oz content 0 mg of caffeine.
  • Sprite Quantity of soft drink 12 oz content 0 mg of caffeine.

Energy drinks

  • Red Bull Quantity of Energy drinks 8.3 oz content 77 mg of caffeine.
  • SoBe Essential Energy, berry or orange Quantity of Energy drinks 8 oz content 48 mg of caffeine.
  • 5-Hour Energy Quantity of Energy drinks 2 oz content 138 mg of caffeine.


  • Dark chocolate Quantity of Dessert 1 oz content 23 mg of caffeine.
  • Milk chocolate Quantity of Dessert 1.55 oz content 9 mg of caffeine.
  • Coffee ice cream or frozen yogurt quantity of dessert 8 oz content 2 mg of caffeine.
  • Hot cocoa quantity of dessert 8 oz content 8-12 mg of caffeine.
  • Chocolate chips, the semisweet quantity of dessert 4 oz content 53 mg of caffeine.
  • Chocolate milk quantity of dessert 8 oz content 5-8 mg of caffeine.